Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Back East...and to Dunkin Donuts!

I'm covering a trade show on Long Island for a co-worker whose first child was just born and there is a DD less than 3 miles from my hotel. I will be making multiple trips and report back on what I find (maybe even post photographic evidence when I get home).


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Denver Trip

We just got back from visiting family in Denver, CO, home of Lamar's, which is the home of some of the best doughnuts that I have ever had. I especially recommend the Blueberry Cake. It's outstanding. I wish I had pictures but I ate all the doughnuts too fast!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Last week I was just outside D.C. (Dulles has a Dunkin Donuts stand even) and found a DD two blocks from my hotel. Let me just say that they haven't lost anything over the years. I bought a box of 50 Munchkins and probably brought home 20 to share with Joanna (who in turn had me share them with Jess, who is a DD fanatic), and they were great. I'll be back out East in a couple weeks and I plan to load up again then. Well done Dunkin Donuts!

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Donut Burger (a.k.a. "The Luther Burger")

Today I ate a Donut Burger. Myself and two co-workers all decided that this would be a great way to celebrate our usual "High Fat Friday". We were wrong. I've got a lot of pictures, but I'm not sure I want to post any as this is not something I will remember fondly. We laughed pretty hard while we were eating them at how bad they were, but all three of us have been pretty low energy the rest of today. There's something to be said for the saying that "two good things together don't necessarily equal a great thing".
Ok, well i decided to post one shot anyway. That's mild cheddar cheese (not sure if American would have tasted much different anyways). DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. You have been warned.....

Update: Click on the title above to be taken to the photos. It's not pretty.

No Way!

I couldn't believe this! Caffienated Doughnuts!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

First Tim Horton's Experience

I just had my first Tim Horton's doughnuts up in Toronto.
Pretty dissapointed overall after all I had heard. My boss
says that I need to try some of the tarts instead so we'll go
with that tomorrow.

Update: Had the Pecan Butter Tarts and they were tasty, but that still doesn't make up for their lackluster donuts. I've had better ones at the gas station.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Krispy Kreme is giving away a free doughnut,
so stop by and grab one before the clock strikes

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dunkin Donuts - Thank You & Please Come Back!

I really wish Dunkin' Donuts would come back to Minnesota,
Munchkin's always were the best and now they are actually
planning to enforce our immigration laws with their employees!
What a novel concept.

Here's the link to the Business Week Story.

Michelle Malkin has more.